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dorsal root ganglia中文是什么意思

用"dorsal root ganglia"造句"dorsal root ganglia"怎么读"dorsal root ganglia" in a sentence


  • 脊神经节


  • Dorsal root ganglion
  • Effect of acetylcholine on membrane potential in toad dorsal root ganglion neurons and its ionic basis
  • Articles with dorsal root ganglion whole - cell patch - clamp recording clonidine 2 - adrenoceptor inhibition aminobutyric acid
  • Inhibitory effect of caffeine on gaba - activated current in acutely isolated rat dorsal root ganglion neurons
    咖啡因对大鼠背根神经节急性分离神经元gaba -激活电流的抑制作用
  • Effect of electroacupuncture on the activity of nitric oxide synthase in the colon , dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord in rats with pelvic pain
  • Axotomized and intact muscle afferents but no skin afferents develop ongoing discharges of dorsal root ganglion origin after peripheral nerve lesion
  • Behavioral observation and change of the expression of growth associated protein in dorsal root ganglion of rats following sciatic nerve injury
  • Infection confers lifelong immunity . however , the virus can remain latent and may reactivate years later as herpes zoster , affecting the dorsal root ganglia
  • The authors expressed mutant mfn2 in cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons . fragmented mitochondria clustered in cell bodies and proximal axons of these neurons
  • Under the whole - cell patch - clamp mode , we further observed the modulation of sodium channels on adult rat dorsal root ganglion ( drg ) neurons by hntx - iv and hntx - v
    在全细胞电压钳记录模式下,我们进一步观察了两毒素对sd大鼠背根神经节( drg )细胞电压门控激活钠电流( i _ ( na ) )的影响。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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